important notice

Intercollegiate Meet - Mathwar 2K23 on 26.09.2023 Intercollegiate Meet - Mathwar 2K23 on 26.09.2023 Intercollegiate Meet - Mathwar 2K23 on 26.09.2023 Intercollegiate Meet - Mathwar 2K23 on 26.09.2023 Intercollegiate Meet - Mathwar 2K23 on 26.09.2023

Department Of Computer Science

students researching with well graded equipment


Empowering the students to adept with the modern technologies, moral values, leadership and entrepreneurial skills with latest pedagogy and research environment to complete at the global level


  • Stengthening The Core Competency By Using Latest Tools And Technologies
  • Imparting Value Based Quality Education To Promote Students As Reowned Professionals
  • Strengthening The Research To Advocate Global Technology


  • To Import Knowledge, Develop Skills And Enhance The Technical Competencies Of Students To Make Them Professionals In The Program
  • To Provide Value Added Courses And Empower Students In Computing Skills
  • To Prepare The Students For Jobs In The Teaching Industry, Business Or Government In Specialized Areas Of Computer Science And Information Technology

Programmes Offered

Certificate Programmes

  • PC Assembly And Installation

  • Web Designing


Thassim Beevi Abdul Kader College for Women, An autonomous institution affiliated to Alagappa University, Karaikudi, is situated in the industrially backward town of Kilakarai, Ramanathapuram District. The college was founded in 1988 by Alhaj Dr B S Abdur Rahman Sahib sponsored by Seethakathi Trust, Chennai which has established various educational institutions par excellence in Tamil Nadu.

The Trust has been named after one of the greatest selfless benefactors of mankind, Seethakathi who lived in the 17th Century. He was a Merchant Prince and a great philanthropist born in Kilakarai. This college has been named after our founder’s sister Mrs. Thassim Beevi and her husband Janab Abdul Kader. She and her husband died in an accident on 24th January 1977 while returning after attending the school day function at the Crescent Residential School, Chennai. Mrs. Thassim Beevi was a very enthusiastic lady, interested in the higher education for women.

The College was started with a sole aim of imparting higher education to all women of this locale, especially to the women of the minority community whose pitiable educational condition provoked our Founder to establish this college. It has been a boon to women, especially to Muslim community, for whom higher education was unreachable. Now that the college has completed its 31 years of dedicated educational service, many a women have now passed through the portals of this institution with flying colours.

The College has been fulfilling the norms and guidelines of the University Grants Commission (UGC), All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), the State Government of Tamil Nadu and affiliated to Alagappa University, Karaikudi. The college has been recognized by UGC under 2f and 12(B) Act of 1956 to receive financial assistance from UGC and from other Central Resources.

The College received the Best College Award from the Department of Youth Welfare Fora, Madurai Kamaraj University for student services for three academic years (2000-01, 2001-02 and 2002-03). The College was upgraded with the status of autonomy since 2005-06. The College was Nationally re-accredited with CGPA 3.16 ‘A’ Grade during 2018-2019 (2.89/4 point scale). The college has gone for ISO 9001:2015 Certification issued on 11.03.2015 to 09.04.2018

The College which was started with the strength of just 65 students and a total of 11 staff members has grown steadily and at present it has above 2105 students enrolled in various disciplines of Arts and Sciences, both at the under-graduate, post-graduate levels and Research, with 121 members of faculty along with 74 members of non-teaching staff and with 14 technical staff.

Realizing the growth of science and technology in modern times and need of computers in our day-today life, the college offers both Undergraduate and Postgraduate programmes in Arts, Humanities and Sciences to meet out the challenging demands of the placement sector. The college is extending its Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) to neighbourhood villages and to the local community through Community Social Service (CSS) and the Seethakathi NGO under Seethakathi Trust.

Faculty Profile

Assistant Professor And Head


MCA., SET, (Ph.D)

22 Years Of Experience

Area Of Specialization: Big Data Analytics

Assistant Professor

Ms.D.Usha Rani

MCA., MPhil, B.Ed.,

12 years 6 Months of Experience

Area Of Specialization: Data Mining, Machine Learning

Assistant Professor

Ms.J.Fathima Haleema

MCA., MPhil., MBA(FM)

12 years 6 Months of Experience

Area Of Specialization: Data Mining, Machine Learning

Assistant Professor

Ms.S.Habeeb Mohamed Sathak Amina


7 years of Experience

Area Of Specialization: Data Mining, Machine Learning IoT

Assistant Professor

Ms.R.Sudha Abirami

M.E., MCA., M.Phil., MBA., SET, NET., B.Ed.,

20 Years 6 Months of Experience

Area Of Specialization: Data Mining, Machine Learning

Assistant Professor


MCA., M.Phil., MBA., B.Ed.,

6 Years of Experience

Area Of Specialization: Data Mining, Machine Learning

Assistant Professor



5 Years 2 Months of Experience

Area Of Specialization: Machine Learning, Block Chain

Assistant Professor


M.Sc., MSc(Psy)., M.Phil., Ph.D., PGDBI, B.LISC

5 Years 8 Months of Experience

Area Of Specialization: Bio Inspired Computing

Assistant Professor

Ms.M.Wasiba begum


1 Years 6 Months of Experience

Area Of Specialization: Data Mining, Cloud Computing

Assistant Professor



1 of Experience

Area Of Specialization: Data Mining

Assistant Professor

Ms.S.Ummul Hyrul Fathima


7 of Experience

Area Of Specialization: Machine Learning

Assistant Professor

Ms.J.Rahumath Rahima Beevi


5 Months of Experience

Area Of Specialization: Data Mining

Assistant Professor


M.Sc., B.Ed.,

4 Months of Experience

Area Of Specialization: Data Mining

Assistant Professor

Ms.B.Seyed Rasiyammal

BE, (ME)

4 Months of Experience

Area Of Specialization: Data Structure & Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Assistant Professor

Ms.R.Jothi Priya


7 Months of Experience

Area Of Specialization: Digital Electronics, IOT

Assistant Professor


MSc., MPhil, B.Ed.,

13 Years of Experience

Area Of Specialization: Data Mining

Department Activities

S.No Date Name of the activity Resource Person International/National/College Gallery
1 25.07.2023 Program on “Moral Talk-2023“ Dr.M.S.Irfan Ahmed, Director-Research, Industry-Institute Relations TBAKC College
2 09.08.2023 Workshop on “Design Thinking to Unlock Your Golden Hours“ Mr.Mohammed Ajnash, Founder & CEO – Adetive National
3 11.08.2023 Faculty Development Programme on “Data Analytics using Statistical Method with R“ Dr A Chandrashekaran, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur. National
4 20.09.2023 One day Online Session on “IBM Z Datathon 2023“ Mr.Jiddhu Mohan, Data Scientist, IBM AI Elite Team Mr.Jaffery, CSE Student, PES University. National
5 25.09.2023 Guest Lecture on “Internet of Things (IOT) and Robotics” Dr T Kalaiselvi M.C.A, Ph.D., PDF Assistant Professor in Computer Science and Applications, The Gandhi gram Rural Institute, Gandhi gram, Dindigul National
6 29.09.2023-30.09.2023 OUTREACH Training program for school teachers On “Office Automation & Google Tools in Education“ Ms D Usha Rani, Ms S Habeeb Mohamed Sathak Amina, Ms J Fathima Haleema, Ms R Sudha Abirami, Ms M Nagavalli, Assistant professor, Department of computer Science & Research Centre, TBAKC National
7 07.11.2023-08.11.2023 Faculty Development Programme on “Data Analysis Using Power BI“ Mrs.Radha Arumugam, Senior Trainer and Developer, CITY Labs, Malaysia National

S.No Date Name of the activity Resource Person International/National/College
1 22.08.2022-05.09.2022 Workshop on “C – The Change“ Mr Sridhar Arumugasamy, Founder, Fine Mind, Coimbatore. National
2 14.09.2022-16.09.2022 FDP on “Idea Generation Methods“ Mr K Nirmal Kumar, Senior Manager T&D, ICT Academy National
3 17.10.2022 Workshop on “Python using Tkinter“ Dr.B.Subashini, Assistant Professor, Thiagarajar Engineering College, Madurai. National
4 13.12.2022 Awareness Program on “Cyber Crime“ Mr N BASKARAN, Additional Superintendent of Police, Cyber Crime Wing, Ramanathapuram Mr D VETRIVELRAJAN, Inspector of Police, Cyber Crime Police Station, Ramanathapuram Mr S DHEBAKAR, Sub Inspector of Police, Cyber Crime Police Station, Ramanathapuram Mr A RICHARDSON, Sub Inspector of Police (Tech), Cyber Crime Police Station, Ramanathapuram National
5 21.12.2022 International seminar on “Advanced research in life sciences, Information technologies and Innovative Business and practices“ Prof. S R Vimal Karani, Professor of Nutrigenetics & Nutrigenomics, Deputy Director, Institute of Food,University of Reading, UK Dr. Anto Cordelia Tanislaus Antony Dhanapal, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Science, Centre for Biomedical & Nutrition Research(CBNR), University of Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia Dr. Khaleda Islam Professor & Director, Institute of Nutrition & Food Science, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh Prof. Yoshiyuki Kawazoe New Industry Creation Hatchery Center, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan Prof. Nagalingam Nagendrakumar Associate Dean , SLIIT Business School, SLIIT- Sri Lanka Dr. Hamdi Hassen Assistant Professor, University of Philipp Marburg (Germany – Tunisia), Higher Institutes of Management and Information Technology, University of Sousse Tunisia International
6 20.01.2023 Workshop on “Insight into Machine Learning Algorithm“ Dr.J.Aruna Devi, Assistant Professor, PG and Research Department of Computer Science, Raja Doraisingam Government Arts College, Sivagangai. National
7 22.01.2023 Faculty Development Programme on “Nature Inspired Algorithms“ Dr.J.Aruna Devi, Assistant Professor, PG and Research Department of Computer Science, Raja Doraisingam Government Arts College, Sivagangai. National
8 14.02.2023 Indeco’23 Dr.S.Sumaya, Principal, Thassim Beevi Abdul Kader College For Women National
9 15.02.2023 Workshop on “Launch of 5G Services“ Er.P.Venkatesan, Sub Divisional Engineer, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL), Ramanathapuram National
10 22.02.2023 Seminar on “Social Entrepreneurship-Aspiration To Be a Social Entrepreneur“ Mr.P.Silambarasan, Young professional Model Career Centre-Ramanathapuram, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Govt of India. National
11 09.03.2023 Workshop on “Cyber Violence Against Women And Its Mitigation“ Mr.Dinesh Paranthagan, Founder & CEO Hackup Technology Pvt.Ltd., Secretary General-TANCCAO-Tamilnadu Cyber Crime Awareness Organisation, Ethical Hacker, Pen Tester, Network Security & Cyber Crime Consultant National
12 24.03.2023 Seminar on “Promoting High Quality Research Among Students“ Dr.T.Meyyappan, Head & Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, Alagappa University, Karaikudi National

S.No Date Name of the Activity Resource Person International/National/College
1 06.07.2020 Workshop on “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Using Python” Dr J Aruna Devi Assistant Professor, PG & Research Department of Computer Science, Raja Doraisingam Govt. Arts College, Sivaganga. National
2 26.8.2021 Workshop on “Deep Learning” Mr. J S Sukumar Director-Operations Winways Complete Open Source Pvt. Ltd., Madurai National
3 26.8.2021 to 28.8.2021 Three days FDP on “Exploring Python Packages for Data Analysis” Dr Haleema PK IT Expert Training and Adjunct Faculty, University of Stirling, RAK Campus, UAE International
4 13.09.2021 to 17.09.2021 Five Days Online FDP on “Research Challenges for Beginners”

Mr B John Samuel Assistant Professor, Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram Topic: Replicated Execution Environment, A Prevention Mechanism Against Coe Injection Attacks

Dr R K Kavitha Assistant Professor (SRG) Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore Topic: My Research Journey

Dr R Karthikeyan Professor and Head Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Mohamed Sathak Engineering College, Kilakarai Topic: Cloud Infrastructure Services and Environmental Impact of Green Cloud Computing

Dr B Subhashini Assistant Professor, Thiagarajar College (Autonomous), Madurai Topic: Research Issues in Software Testing

Dr R Lawrance Director MCA Department Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College, Sivakasi Topic: Research Avenues in Machine Learning

5 25.09.2021 Alumnae Talk – 2021 Ms R J Rehana (Alumnae: 1998-2001, MCA) Co-Fouder & CTO, Oddillio Labs Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore Bambodoe Technologies LLP College
6 27.09.2021 One Day Workshop on “Text Analytics Using Python Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK)” Dr M Anandhavalli Associate Professor, College of Computer Science, King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia National
7 21.10.2021 One Day Workshop on “Block Chain as a Career” Dr B Gayathri Associate Professor of Computer Science, Bishop Heber College, Trichy National
8 29.11.2021 One Day Seminar on “Overview on Cryptography and Block Chain Technology” Mr S Syed Nawas Hussain PhD Research Scholar, Computer Science Department, Manoanmaniam Sundarnar University, Tirunelveli College
9 06.12.2021 One Day Seminar on “Open Source Technologies” Mr Mohamed Kasim Khan General Secretary at IIT Mumbai, Project Manager for Technology Commercialization, Strategic Management Media & Communications, IIT Mumbai College
10 17.12.2021 One Day Workshop on “Outcome Based Education” Dr R Lawrance Director MCA Department Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College, Sivakasi College
11 08.03.2022 Virtual Power Seminar on “Women Empowerment” Ms Rajalakshmi B Tech Software Engineer Krisado Technologies Bangalore College
12 05.04.2022 and 06.04.2022 INDECO’22 and Power Seminar on “Emerging Technologies (ICT)” S Gavaskar Delivery Director Multicloud4 College
13 23.05.2022 Moral Talk – 2022 Dr M S Irfan Ahmed Director, Research & Industry-Institute Relations HoD, Department of Computer Science TBAKC College